Leprechaun Hats

by | February 14, 2020

Learn how to make Leprechaun Hats out of food storage containers!

You Will Need:

  • Small, round plastic container with lid
  • Green Paint
  • Paint Brush
  • Black Ribbon
  • Yellow Construction Paper
  • Scissors
  • Something to fill your hat with (skittles, gold coins, etc.)
  • Hot Glue Gun

To Begin:

  1. With your small, round plastic container in front of you, paint the outside green.
  2. Once dry, wrap the black ribbon around the base of your container. Cut the ribbon where the two ends meet.
  3. With your hot glue gun handy, add a dab of glue to the base of your container. Place one end of the ribbon in the glue, wrap the ribbon around the container, then secure it by adding another dab of glue to the other end.
  4. Next, we’ll make the buckle – cut a small half-inch by half-inch square from your yellow construction paper. Then carefully cut a square out of the center of the paper.
  5. Add another dab of glue to the ribbon for the buckle to attach to.
  6. Once dry, add your goodies inside and you’re done!

Have you tried this craft? Email your crafts to support@corwindesign.com to have your craft featured on our Facebook Page!

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  1. AffiliateLabz

    Great content! Super high-quality! Keep it up! 🙂

    • Madison Wall

      Thank you so much! 🙂

  2. Jodie Jones

    We are so happy you found us. We update every Friday with new ideas and activities. 🙂

  3. Jodie Jones

    Thank you so much. We like to make sure it’s easy to follow along. <3

  4. Jodie Jones

    Hey Krystal! We are happy you all are doing well. ?

  5. Jodie Jones

    We are glad you enjoyed it! We update every Friday with new content. ?

  6. Jodie Jones

    You’re so welcome.? We update every Friday with new content!

  7. Jodie Jones

    Yes! You should check out our easy downloads and other crafts as well!

  8. Jodie Jones

    Thank you for the kind words.?