Hello August! We are so happy that we are just one month closer to summer being over. The heat has been a little unbearable here in Tampa (and as thankful as we are for a calm hurricane season) we are ready for a reprieve. Granted, our summer isn’t over until October… but we like to dream! ?
Did you know who July and August are named after?
We didn’t; well, at least not with 100% certainty. July was named after Julius Caesar – you know – the “Et tu, Brutus?” one.? August was named after Rome’s Emperor Augustus. (Julius Caesar was Augustus’ Great-Uncle.) So as much as July has dragged on, we are thankful to wave goodbye and greet August! ?
?CLICK HERE? to enter your email and we will send you the posters! Once you receive the email – download the zip file, right-click on the image, select “Save Image As.” Then, open up the image on your computer and select “Print.” In your print settings, choose “Fit to Page” for a whole page (8.5×11) handout. ENJOY!
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