It’s time to let your competitive side fly with this race car craft! Did we try to race these in the streets of Ybor? Maybe. (Yes.) We found that our wheels weren’t as round as they ought to be. ?

- Toilet paper rolls. (We also used paper towel rolls to cut out the wheels, but you can use an old cereal box for wheels too.)
- Acrylic paint. (You can also use sharpies if you rather skip the paint.)
- Paint Brushes
- Thumbtacks or brands. (You can also staple or tape the wheels if you don’t care about them moving.)
- Bowls or cups for brushes
- A plate (to dry the race cars)
- Paper towels (to wipe off brushes)
- ***Optional*** String to pull the cars if you’re like us and can’t cut in perfect circles. ?

To Begin:
- To start, cut a hole in the roll and fold a seat. You can be creative with this, making it as big or small as you want. We even had a “Formula 1” style car with the seat all the way in the back! ?
2. Time to paint your car! Lost for ideas? Google some famous race cars for inspiration. You can make this as simple or as complicated as you want.

3. While your car is drying, it’s time to cut your wheels out. If you’re struggling with the roll, we also suggest using an old cereal box. If you want perfect wheels so the car will roll, use a pencil to make a circle.
4. Paint your wheels! We got creative with this too. ⚫️
Make sure that it completely dries!
5. Let everything dry now. You can use a hairdryer on a low setting to speed the process along.

6. Use a thumbtack or brand to fix your wheels to the car. If you do not care about the wheels moving, you can staple or tape the wheels to the car.
7. Go enjoy that car! We attached string so we could “race” them. ?
We hope you manage better than us! We would love to see what your community comes up with. Please share/tag/email us your creations! ?

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