Summer Solstice is June 21st, meaning Summer is almost here! Just in time to go out, visit the beach, and enjoy the warmer weather. For this week’s craft, we will be recycling old (or new) T-Shirts and turning them into the perfect beach bag! So grab your shirt, and let’s hit the beach!
You Will Need:
- Old T-Shirt
- Scissors
- Your Hands

To Begin:
- Grab your T-Shirt! (It should be a boxy, unfitted shirt) Lay out your tee, front side up, on a flat surface. Your shirt should be wrinkle-free.
- Using your scissors, cut off the sleeves of your shirt. I cut mine right up the seam.
- With your scissors, cut out the collar of your shirt roughly 2 inches from the collar. The gap between the collar and sleeve will determine the width of your handles on your tote.
- Next, determine how deep you want your bag to be. By laying a large book on top of my shirt, I guessed the size of my bag. You can mark this roughly by using a marker or pencil.
- With your scissors, cut vertical sections roughly 1-2 inches apart to the line you just drew.
- For this step, you get to decide whether or not you would like fringe on the bottom of your bag or not. If you want fringe, leave your bag as is. If you don’t want fringe, turn your shirt inside out for the next step.
- All of your sections should be in pairs except for the sides. With your scissors, cut the seams on the side of the shirt so that all of your sections have pairs.
- Next, working from one side to the other, double-knot your sections to their respected pair.
- When you are finished you should be left with fringe with small holes between the sections. To close the holes, grab a strand from one pair and a strand from another and tie them together. Repeat this step to all of the sections until all of the holes are closed.
- If you like fringe, your bag is complete! If not, continue to step 11.
- Make sure your strands are tight enough that they won’t come apart. Next, trim the excess fringe from your bag and flip inside out.
- And there you have it! The perfect Summer Tote!

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